Whoo! Looks like Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher got totally screwed with some gotcha questions on CNN this morning. He's pretty pissed, according to Politico:

“Because I’m just — I’m sick of the gossip and drama. There’s real issues to work on. They want to take anything they disagree with me on to use it to twist it and use it to their gain and paint me in a in a light they want to paint me in,” he said. “Let’s … stop with the seventh grade shenanigans.”

Wow. They must have plastered him good. What did CNN ask him? Well, for starters, they asked him why he's qualified to run for Congress:

“What qualifies me?” Wurzelbacher said, laughing. “One, I’m an American citizen. Two, I’m very much involved in the process of what’s going on. I guess my question would be, what qualifies the current politicians who are killing our country, Republicans and Democrats alike?”
He added, “I’m sorry, it just seems like a silly question.

In his defense, that's a toughie. I remember when 60 Minutes asked Barack Obama why he was qualified to run for president and he replied with 35 minutes of stony silence, followed by a 15-minute stuttered response and repeated claims that the question took him "totally off-guard." But then came the gotcha moment: CNN asked Joe the Plumber about an interview he gave back in 2009 stating that though he has gay friends, he would never let gay people, whom he has publicly called "queers," anywhere near his children:

“So this is TMZ, this isn’t CNN, is what you’re saying,” Wurzelbacher shot back...“Come on, you’re trying to do a ‘gotcha’ moment, it’s quite obvious.”

It's now become apparent that Sarah Palin is only the second-worst politician that John McCain unleashed on the world in 2008.