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  • E.S.
  • I like this picture from yesterday's Jay Inslee event, so I'm posting it again. (Full story.)

Poynter has some unanswered questions for This American Life: Among them, this good one. It sounds easy enough to answer but probably—because so many of the show's best narratives inhabit interesting gray areas—would not be so easy to answer:

Are listeners to understand that all of the stories on This American Life should be viewed as literal truth-telling, up to the standards of journalism?

Bill Maher has a demand: Stop apologizing.

Linda Greenhouse has one word for the legal case against health care reform: Weak. (And then a lot more words around that one.)

Unemployment in Washington State is down: Hooray!

That Plan B ruling: Now being appealed.

Good luck with that: NOM is boycotting Starbucks with this invincible web site.

The latest on Trayvon Martin: "They are joining the Trayvon Martin crusade by the hour now," writes the Washington Post. "It feels like an echo from another era—when there was racial injustice in the headlines, when federal troops were dispatched to comb Southern swamps to look for blacks who had vanished. And when lawyers for the NAACP slid into town with briefcases and addresses of safe houses."

Dick touching at the U.S. Supreme Court: The justices appear to be against.

Biden: "Lubricating has a different meaning for us all."

And the first U.S. city where you can't say "crack ho" on air will be... Los Angeles?