Science Daily:

Many Christians give up certain foods for Lent, however ecologists have discovered these changes in human diet have a dramatic impact on the diet of wild animals. In Ethiopia, members of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church stop eating meat and dairy products during a 55-day fast before Easter. As a result, spotted hyenas too change their eating habits — from scavenging waste from butchers and households to hunting — new research in the British Ecological Society's Journal of Animal Ecology has found.
That is the interesting part of the report. This is the disgusting part:
"Hyenas can eat almost any organic matter, even putrid carrion and anthrax-infected carcasses. They are capable of eating and digesting all parts of their prey except hair and hooves. Bones are digested so completely that only the inorganic components are excreted in the hyena's droppings," explains [Gidey Yirga from Mekelle University.]
How I hate hyenas. There is no nobility in this animal. None. It is the shame of the animal kingdom.