That's the title of a May 3 University of Washington talk hosted by former Planned Parenthood worker turned anti-abortionist Abby Johnson. The preview for this talk posits:

The right to abortion is considered a “reproductive right” by many. They say it is the right of a woman to exercise control over her body, but is that what the issue is really about? What if in this case, human rights and women’s rights conflict? Is the woman’s right to her body more important than the child’s right to life?

While I know that I proudly, loudly disagree with Johnson on this subject, what bugs me most about the talk is its bullshit, demeaning title, and how Johnson frames her personal opinion like it's a scientific hypothesis she's systematically exploring. Because reframing opinions as open-ended questions—Are women even human? Hey, I'm just asking questions here!—is cowardly and insulting.

I mean, I could ask, Is Abby Johnson really Rush Limbaugh in a pushup bra? But it would be more honest to simply declare, Abby Johnson is Rush Limbaugh in a pushup bra! and let people argue with me about it.

My point is, Johnson isn't searching for answers. Her answers are: No, women's bodies are not their own and yes, women have too many rights. What she's trying to do is convince everyone stupid enough to attend a talk called Do Women Have Too Many Rights? that she's right.