
...which is likely still contained in zillions of DVRs/still downloading into iTunes accounts.

So let us discuss the episode that aired a week ago. Specifically:

*The steadily blooming awesomeness of Megan. First, the actress who plays her—Jessica Pare—is brilliant, nailing the bland sunniness of her secretary role so perfectly one assumed that's all she'd do. But Megan keeps growing and surprising and maybe she's just the child of an alcoholic putting all her family diplomacy skills to work in a new milieu, or maybe she's some proto-Martha Stewart, a female magnate-in-training who understands that feeding her ideas to powerful men is the only way to the top. Whatever the case, I love her.

*The heart-crushing line from Peggy's mother, spoken to Peggy after she reveals her plan to shack up with her boyfriend: "If you're lonely, get a cat. They live 13 years, then you get another one, and another one after that. Then you're done."

(Silver lining of Peggy's mother's horrifying advice: It carefully protects against becoming a full-on crazy cat lady—one cat at a time, until you're dead.)