Camp Hurrah isnt all its cracked up to be.
  • Camp Hurrah isn't all it's cracked up to be.
You know the setup: Funny people mocking terrible movies, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000.

And you know the players: Smart local comedians Paul Merrill, Anita Goodman, and Derek Sheen, led by Children of the Atom's Elicia Sanchez.

Tomorrow's your chance to witness the beautiful collision of wit and campy horror as these funny people tear the 1988 slasher flick Cheerleader Camp a new asshole and then gently plug it with a pom pom (BYOPP). In case you still need convincing, horror movie website calls Cheerleader Camp "care free... full of tits and gore... tedious... but overall, good times."

The free fun starts at 7:00 pm at The White Rabbit in Fremont.

There will be drink specials! Prizes! Cheese puffs! Tits! Gore! Comedy gold! And a live podcast taping afterward—filled with fresh tits and gore jokes and cheerleading-inspired freestyle rapping—with these same funny people! For more info, check out The Enematic Cinematic: Lives.

What more could you ask for on a Tuesday night?