
Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown used the word "vagina" during a debate last week about an intrusive, unconstitutional, sexist and—surprise!—GOP-backed bill that would impose new and intrusive regulations on abortions in Michigan. For daring to mention the proper medical name of the exact thing her GOP colleagues were trying to regulate, Rep. Brown was censured and silenced by her GOP colleagues. At first the GOPers said it was because Brown used the word "vagina," which one lawmaker said he would never use in "mixed company," then they said it was because Brown threw a "temper tantrum." (The tape is here—decide for yourself if Brown threw a tantrum or if the men who run the House of Representatives in Michigan can't tell the difference between a woman with an opinion and some crazy bitch who needs to STFU.) There was a huge protest at the Michigan's state capitol in Lansing today. Friend of Slog and regular "Savage Love" guest expert Alice Dreger was there and sent along pics of the best signs she spotted. Much more after the jump...




