Someone just sent me a link this video, posted to YouTube earlier today, of a police officer bragging about breaking a nightstick on someone at a party in Columbia City in 2011:

In the audio, the officer is being filmed by some citizen and says: "I'm the one who broke the nightstick. You guys still have the other half—I want it back! That's $40! I have to turn that in. I want a new one." He gets asked: "What'd you break the nightstick on?"

His response: "One of you."

"And you're proud of that?"


From the Department of Justice report released last December: "Perhaps most importantly, the SPD has tacitly allowed a pattern or practice of excessive use of force... the failure to supervise patrol officers' use of force has occurred at every level."

I don't know how you break a nightstick over somebody, but even if he was just being a sarcastic jackass, that was an incredibly stupid thing to say, and a damning nod towards the broken culture at SPD that the DOJ describes.