Al Jazeera:

On the day they learned they were being moved to a flat of less than 30 square metres, Yeung Liu-Chun told us she and her husband could not sleep the whole night. Why? Because it was twice the size of their current apartment, which, in turn, was nearly three times the size of the place they had before.
This Hong Kong family was right to feel uneasy about the extra space. Theirs is the ideal structure of feeling for the humans of the 21st century; we need to live with, and feel comfortable in, tight, small, and stuffed spaces. We do not need yards (horrors of horrors), more than one bathroom, a fucking massive living room, or even a kitchen. All of this is superflous, a distraction, and, ultimately, unsustainable at the global level. Your apartment should simply be a place for sleep and personal care. The rest of your life should be turned over to the public: eat in public, be entertained in public, exercise in public, visit friends and relatives in public. After a day of being with everybody, a day of being in the city (the most rewarding day imaginable), you return to your little hole in the wall to fuck, brush your teeth, bath, and sleep.