If You Weren't Having Panic Attacks About the Election: This will do it.

YAY!: The Episcopal Church approves blessing of gay unions.

Also YAY!: "The campaign seeking to overturn the state's new gay marriage law raised just over $17,000 in cash in June, much less than the nearly $900,000 in cash donations raised by supporters of the law."

One More YAY!: And new asteroid has been named after gay rights pioneer Frank Kameny.

I'm Sure That'll Teach Them: Google will probably have to pay a $22.5 million fine for breaking privacy rules. They have, like, a gajillion bucks, so that'll surely teach them a lesson.

Why Does Anyone Live in Mississippi Anymore?: "A hearing Wednesday will help a federal judge decide whether to extend his temporary block of a law that could close Mississippi’s only abortion clinic."

Remember That Cruise Ship That Capsized, Killing 32 People?: The captain blames "destiny."

Why Would You Do That?: A man climbed a fence and crossed a moat to enter the tiger enclosure at the Copenhagen zoo. Then the tigers killed him.

Be Careful In Rivers, People: A local teenager is in critical condition after nearly drowning in Green River.

But They're So Cute!: A pack of raccoons attacked a woman in Pierce County, sending her to the emergency room.