Over the weekend, the media went crazy for Paul Ryan. And why wouldn't they? He's young, (according to Slog) politics-hot, super-fit, and he's way more charismatic than Mitt Romney. And as Mark Halperin points out, the Romney campaign deserves credit for their vice presidential candidate rollout; it's the first thing they've really gotten right in a month-and-a-half.

The question is when the blowback is going to come, what it's going to be about, and how hard it's going to hit. This video of Ryan mocking a protester for yelling about Ryan cutting Medicare and Social Security by saying "I hope he's taken his blood pressure medication" is already making the rounds:

The story of how Ryan put himself through college on Social Security survivor's benefits (his father died when he was 16) is gaining traction. I haven't seen as many reports of Ryan's “Social Security Personal Savings Guarantee and Prosperity Act of 2005," which would have allowed people to put their Social Security savings in the stock market.

And this beauty from Slate came back to light today:

Ryan attended a closed meeting with congressional leaders, Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on September 18, 2008. The purpose of the meeting was to disclose the coming economic meltdown and beg Congress to pass legislation to help collapsing banks. Instead of doing anything to help, Ryan left the meeting and on that very same day Paul Ryan sold shares of stock he owned in several troubled banks and reinvested the proceeds in Goldman Sachs, a bank that the meeting had disclosed was not in trouble.

This kind of congressional insider trading wasn't illegal at the time—it is now—but it's another story to add to the Paul-Ryan-only-cares-about-Paul-Ryan file. Once the media is done telling the "exclusive" spoonfed stories of how Romney made the Ryan pick, they're going to have to start digging. I wonder when the first bomb will hit, and how Ryan will respond to this exceptional level of pressure.