Have you been down to the Seattle waterfront lately? There's some sort of need for a seawall that keeps being discussed (it's been months, if not years), so it's all going to fall into the Sound when the giant drill for the tunnel gets a little closer (the world is melting, make room for more cars!). But meanwhile, there's the gleaming new Ferris wheel, and the tourists waddling up and down, and the children bonking each other on the head with balloons twisted into abstract flowers, and that indoor arcade on Pier 57 (the fortune teller machine is a rip-off—go with the air hockey). And, as always, the seagulls, which seem to be evolving into some sort of superspecies—you've never seen seagulls so gigantic and muscular and blindingly white. They have the wingspan of a 747! It's a wonder that the people feeding them Ivar's french fries aren't losing arms.

Also new on the Seattle waterfront: Elliott's Seafood Cafe...


Fish n chips! BEWARE OF THE GULLS.
  • Kelly O
  • Fish 'n' chips! BEWARE OF THE GULLS.