It's Ron Paul's birthday, and what a birthday gift: Looks like Paul's End-the-Fed stance is being adopted into the Republican platform, albeit couched in a slightly gentler, more realistic Audit-the-Fed stance. In addition, to celebrate Ron Paul's 77th (!!) birthday, Policymic has published "77 Reasons Every American Should Wish Ron Paul a Happy Birthday." Some of my favorites:

31. He gets migranes from thinking too many brilliant thoughts at once.

33. He hangs with Vince Vaughn.

47. He flashes gang signals.

55. He's delivered thousands of babies.

The commenters of course chime in with their well-wishes and love for this in-depth article:

If mainstream were ever to show one thing about Congressman Doctor Ron Paul, it should be this. Shame on all you AINO (Americans in name only) for blowing it so badly. Your chosen puppets are the end of this country.

The man is a real person. He's not part of the "elite", like almost every politician out there.
He's inspired a lot of people with his message and behavior. Even if you disagree with him, everyone from the political spectrum has something they admire about this man.
We've seen a lot of politicians in our day, but very few statesmen.
He is a statesman.

Somewhere in this great big quantum universe of ours where anything is possible, there is an Earth where Ron Paul is President of the United States. For his birthday, I would like to thank Dr. Paul from the bottom of my heart that in this universe, he wound up as a fringe looney with a minor-but-vocal fan base. This way, I get the entertainment of Paul fans without having to suffer the repercussions of a Paul-led government. Happy 77th, big guy!