Keep this in mind...

Obamaā€™s approval rating is now 50 percent, according to the most recent week of Gallup tracking. At this point in 1980, Gallup pegged Carterā€™s approval at 37 percent.
Obama is no Carter. And we know who Romney is not like. Reagan biographer Lou Cannon:
I donā€™t mean any disrespect to Romney, but I think heā€™s run a poor campaign. You canā€™t say anything within this close a margin is over. I donā€™t do that. But heā€™s got a lot more to do at this point to win than Reagan had to do.

What it all comes down to:

ā€œYou have to look at it like a French impressionist painting,ā€ said Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, an adviser to conservative causes. ā€œIf you stand way back, you say, ā€˜There are maybe some similarities between 1980 and 2012.ā€™ But the closer you get to the painting the more it separates.ā€
Let's look at an impressionist painting:
  • Pete Souza for the White House (The Official White House Photostream)