No, really. Wonkette says:

A recent Bloomberg survey revealed that a full 43 percent of Americans have a positive view of Mitt Romney, against only 50 percent who don’t. This puts Romney only 3 percentage points away from America’s most beloved president, George W. Bush!

Yes, a full 46 percent of Americans apparently have fond memories of George W. Bush, though it’s likely that most of these people are political comedy writers who miss the endless stream of easy jokes.

If this whole election thing doesn't work out for Romney—knock wood if you're superstitious—I could see he and George W. Bush getting along real well: Taking vacations to the Caymans together, comparing portfolios, boating at Kennebunkport. They'd both be about equally loved by their own party, and when you put a pariah together with a pariah, they're not pariahs anymore; they're a super-exclusive clique!