Fresh baked dinner rolls and chocolate pinwheel cookies are my contribution to tonights Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Goldy | The Stranger
  • Fresh baked dinner rolls and chocolate pinwheel cookies are my contribution to tonight's Thanksgiving dinner.

The turkey may be the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving meals, but unless you're hosting dinner, you're not likely roasting one. The rest of us are usually relied upon to bring a side dish or dessert, or perhaps most importantly, a decent bottle of wine.

I was asked to bring some dinner rolls, so I adapted a foolproof pain a l'ancienne recipe accordingly. But it isn't truly Thanksgiving for me and my daughter without my grandmother's chocolate pinwheel cookies, so I baked up a batch of those too.

So... what are you making for Thanksgiving? And is it a labor of love, or just the obligation of a gracious guest?