
A restaurant in South Carolina has been criticised for printing and selling T-shirts with the slogan "How to catch an illegal immigrant" accompanied by a cartoon drawing of two tacos placed beneath a box trap.

Taco Cid, in West Columbia, insists the T-shirts are a "witty and comical statement" about undocumented migration in the US, but the Mexican restaurant has been accused of racism.

...Taco Cid responded to criticism this week with a statement on its website. The writer used capital letters for emphasis.

"Our T-shirts were created as a witty and comical statement regarding ILLEGAL immigrants," the statement said. "There are NO racial nor hate remarks towards any specific ethnic group."

Dear Taco Cid,

Make your shirts, wear your shirts, sell your shirts—I say good on you for being brave enough to advertise your bigotry. It's offensive, sure, but it makes you easy to avoid.

However, please don't try and pretend that joking about trapping Mexicans with your delicious tacos, Looney Toons style, is anything other than a play on tired, racist stereotypes. You're smart enough to know that, right? Because if you're not smart enough to realize the inherent racism in trapping Mexicans with tacos, then I have to assume it's because generations of hillbilly inbreeding have rendered you incapable of little more than fucking your sister-cousin, stuffin' delicious tacos, and using them to set up elaborate traps, Looney Toons style, to catch Mexicans on the weekends.

And that would be a shame.