Wilted cucumber starts prove that not all my thumbs are green.
  • Goldy | The Stranger
  • Wilted cucumber starts prove that not all my thumbs are green.

I've had really bad luck with cucumbers the past few seasons. I used to grow them, multiple varieties, not spectacularly but fine. But the past few years they'd sprout, grow vigorously enough, and then wilt and die shortly after flowering. Maybe I'd get a few small fruit, maybe I wouldn't.

And so this year I thought I'd try buying some starts, thinking that maybe giving them a head start would do the trick. As you can see from the photo above, no such luck. They looked great in the container hardening off for about 10 days, but within a week of being put in the soil, they are dead, dead, dead, the stems browning and withering from the ground up.

I suppose it could just be a coincidence. Maybe the snap of cool weather we had last week. But I strongly suspect I've got a disease in my soil that is doing in my cucumbers. Any ideas?