Several fruit flies are occupying the airspace of my kitchen. They are fast ones, and their tininess does not make them any less icky and annoying. We don't have any fruit out, but there was a banana that split open on the counter last week, so maybe they're leftover from that security breach.

In any case, I had a very bad roommate once and we had terrible fruit flies and I finally did this, and it worked pretty well but was kind of disgusting because you catch the fruit flies alive (what do you do with them then? I can't remember), and later, when I kicked the very bad roommate out of the apartment, I found a decomposed banana in a cardboard box in the dining room that the bad roommate had forgotten (who forgets a banana in a cardboard box in a dining room? THAT GUY). So, the fruit flies are not only gross in and of themselves; they also remind me of that very bad roommate. SHUDDER.

ANYWAY. What is the best way to get rid of fruit flies? Thanks in advance!