I remember it well. It was during my failed attempt on New York City. I was sitting in an internet cafe (remember those?), working on my then worthless resume, when—blink—all the screens went blank. Once we figured out what happened, and that it wasn't another attack, we decided to drink beer. There was a run on that and on ice, so we stocked up on both, even bought some for our neighbors.

I remember sitting on an apartment building rooftop in Caroll Gardens in Brooklyn, watching out over the darkened skyline of Manhattan and thinking I'd never forget it. Other people didn't fare as well. My friend Briana, who taught Pilates to rich people in the city had to walk all the way home in the sweltering August of New York. Some were stuck in Subway cars, others slept on the streets. The other thing I remember was the palpable camaraderie of New Yorkers. What were you doing?