So many drinks served in mason jars these days. (Who is this mason? John Landis Mason of Philadelphia, American metalsmith and inventor of [or at least patentee of] the screw-top lid, 1832–1902. He also is said to have invented the screw-top salt shaker, and possibly to have burned down his own house.) Also pickles (house-made, thankyouverymuch) and terrines and desserts and all kinds of stuff, all in a mason jar. If you've been eating or drinking out, a mason jar full of something has been put in front of you.

Today, a press release from Tini Bigs tells the world that they are making their own beef jerky and serving it in, yes, a mason jar. This news (and I use the term very, very loosely) prompted the following reaction from Megan Seling:

I HATE MASON JARS SO MUCH. Why is everything in a mason jar these days? STOP IT. PUT IT ON A PLATE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.

Then, taking up the opposing side, Christopher Frizzelle:

I'm pro–mason jar and I vote.

To the legally binding polls!