Last year, Washington State voters legalized the recreational use of marijuana, essentially putting recreational pot smokers in the same class as those who enjoy alcoholic beverages. But after years of Cheech & Chong/Bill & Ted/Dazed & Confused "cannabis culture," could even the most responsible recreational pot smoker fully escape the stigma of stonerism?

For example, if a known pot-smoker makes a mistake (a typo, a forgotten appointment), pot may be cited, even jokingly, as a contributing factor, in a way that, had a wine-lover made the same mistake, few would be inspired to draw a direct line of causation (even jokingly) to their wine cellars.

But we figure lots of pot smokers who used to be in the closet are coming out.

We want to interview mainstream folks who smoke pot—and used to be in the pot closet—but now that pot's legal, are proud to say they smoke pot.

This is just a matter of accumulating enough real-life examples of regular old high-functioning pot appreciators to offset the decades of cartoon stereotypes, and there have got to be some local folks leading the charge in coming out as high-quality citizens who also happen to be responsible stoners.

Are you or is someone you know one of these out-and-proud stoners? If so, I'd like to talk to you/them. (The mainstreamier the subject's job, the better.) Drop me an email here.