Yesterday, I posted about Mars Hill Church's claim that "God wants" them to have some property already owned by Sound Transit.

The short version: Mars Hill wants to move its headquarters to Bellevue and found a place it likes. Unfortunately, Sound Transit already owns the property. So Mars Hill sent out a press release and started a public-pressure email campaign claiming that Sound Transit swooped in, "seizing the property under the authority of eminent domain" and how the church was "going up against the government" because that's what "God wants."

Basically, they framed themselves as sweet little David and Sound Transit as big, bad Goliath.

But that's not what happened. Sound Transit purchased the property in a negotiated process that began back in 2011. Mars Hill didn't figure that out until it was too late and now seems to be in a high-profile snit.

Slog and several other publications pointed out this untruth, so Mars Hill has corrected the record in a "news roundup" that links to every story written about the controversy... except for The Stranger's.

... we’ve recently discovered that Sound Transit acquired the International Paper property through a negotiated sale as a “protective acquisition”, not under the authority of eminent domain as previously mentioned. We’ve updated our website to reflect this.

Mars Hill still wants the building, is still encouraging people to email Sound Transit, and still hasn't responded to The Stranger's requests for comment.