Mike Lindblom at the Seattle Times:

Tuesday morning, Officer Jeff Rodgers ticketed two bike riders and four motorists in an hour, while the 20 mph school-zone limit was in effect. In recent days he has cited other riders, typically rolling at 29 to 33 mph.

This sort of equal-opportunity enforcement isn’t well-known in the city of cycling Mayor Mike McGinn, where online news commenters love to complain about cyclists who flout traffic rules.

So it turns out that Seattle cops are pulling over cyclists for breaking the speed limit, mostly in school zones. GOOD. Cops should pull over cyclists going too fast in other parts of town, too. We've all seen plenty of cyclists push 35-40 miles an hour down hills—and, uh, as a cyclist myself, I can say that you can't really stop at that speed—so it's reckless as hell for riders who are one pothole, one gravel patch, or one oblivious driver away from becoming road borscht. To say nothing of the fact that it's goddamn terrifying for drivers who can't maneuver out of a bicycle's way when it's hurtling at them at that speed. Enforce the laws. Share the road. Be well.

PS — I'm sure some meatheads will scream that they once seen a cyclist run a stop sign and Mayor McSchwinn and tax bicycles now and this is God's country! If you wanna go tit for tat, vehicle drivers break traffic laws all the time and it's even more important for them to obey the rules of the road—they're driving a two-ton hulk of metal.