Sarah McLachlan's Next Muse: A man running the Olympic Animal Sanctuary in Forks, aka the "Sanctuary of Sorrow," is the target of a lawsuit alleging that the 120-plus dogs in his care aren't given "adequate or humane care."

King County Outlines Metro Bus Cuts: The transit union seems willing to take a pay hit to keep metro from cutting one-third of its service. In other news, fuck our do-nothing state legislature.

The transit agency is hoping state lawmakers will allow King County to put a Motor Vehicle Excise Tax on the ballot. If passed, that could prevent cuts. Another fare increase isn't even on the table. Metro has already raised fares 80 percent in recent years.

The transit agency said to cover the shortfall, it would have to raise the base fare from $2.25 to $4.25 and that's just too pricey for low income riders who need public transit.

ATF Agent Indicted: Yesterday, a federal grand jury indicted a former Seattle-area supervisor at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on charges of embezzling $19,700 from a fund earmarked for confidential informants.

True Misery Is Accusing a Football Star of Rape: Tallahassee police reportedly told a woman who accused a college football star of raping her that she needs to "think long and hard before proceeding... because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable."

Levitating Trains and the Political Elite: Japan has offered to pay for 40 miles of a 300-mile per hour magnetic, levitating train from DC to Baltimore. Think Progress explores how that pipe dream could cripple train travel for the rest of the country.

Urban Rat Hunts: As the owner of a rat terrier, I can see how this would be fun.

This Is Ridiculous The owner of a Miami convenience store has videotaped officers frisking and arresting his employees and customers, allegedly without cause—including one of the store's employees, who's been arrested 62 times for trespassing while at work.

Meet the "Harry Potter of Chess": A 22-year-old Norwegian man is the new world champion of chess.

What's the Point of Flying a Stealth Drone if You're Going to Brag About It? China flies its first stealth drone.

Remembering JFK: Military pall bearers remember what it was like to carry the coffin of our assassinated president 50 years on.

And finally, for those of us who weren't old enough to experience it the first time, here is the JFK assassination re-enacted by six year olds: