Glenn Beck's pet Huffington Post rip-off The Blaze (which is not to be confused with the upcoming Huckabee Post) has an "exclusive" on a spontaneous conversation between Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter that happened yesterday. First up, Hannity accidentally broke the news that Glenn Beck is going to get into the movie business next year:

And then the two started discussing other upcoming plans:

After that is when Sean mentioned a new project that Glenn had asked him to be a part of — a conservative summit of sorts. The dream is for Beck, Hannity, Mark Levin and possibly Rush Limbaugh to unite in one location next summer. As the two talk radio stars danced around the unannounced details, conservative firebrand Ann Coulter marched into the studio and joined the discussion.

Looks like your 2014 won't be teabagger-free, folks. Sorry to be the one to break this news to you.