Incendiary but True! Seattle take note: Gawker's Hamilton Nolan explains why jaywalkers are better for New York City than drivers.

Microsoft Fail: Don't want to buy a computer with Windows 8 on it? HP is bringing Windows 7 back. That's bad news for Microsoft's newest OS.

Life in the War Zone: The editor of the stop-motion Coraline film has taken on a virtual second career as a war photographer in Grand Theft Auto Online.

IT'S GOT ELECTROLYTES: Gatorade is convincing kids to not drink water with the help of a video game.

“We are the American frontier” The Monarch Review's Deepa Bhandaru drinks with Charles Mudede.

He Should Get an Award for This: A teacher refused to accept a Martin Luther King Jr. humanitarian award from Paul Ryan because "Paul Ryan stands for everything I don’t believe in.” Here's video: