Down at the flagship Starbucks store in Pike Place Market this afternoon, 15 Now supporters set up a table full of flyers and T-shirts and started chatting up people about Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's recent statements that Starbucks could likely afford to pay a $15 minimum wage, but small and midsize businesses can't. 'Cause Schultz's main concern is the health of local small business, right?

Customers streamed in and out of the store, a barista came out to give protesters free samples of iced tea, and across the street a lone campaigner from the anti-$15-minimum-wage group Sustainable Wages Seattle, who turned out to be this guy, passed out his own flyers. Also nearby: a nice man handing out flyers about Jesus's blood, who told me that Jesus shed his blood for me and "he's the only way." Thanks, sir!

A few protest photos, if you care. Then I'm running out the door to go PLAY IN THE SUN OHMYGOD YOU GUYS, THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makin friends.
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  • Makin' friends.

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Commies arent cool, and neither is a $15 minimum wage, says JW Boswell.
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  • Commies aren't cool, and neither is a $15 minimum wage, says JW Boswell.

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(Note the non-Starbucks coffee cup.)
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  • (Note the non-Starbucks coffee cup.)

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