That subject line's but one of the poster-ready hype quotes coming out the Religious Right about the film Obvious Child, a low-key rom-com whose main character has an abortion and doesn't freak out/die/regret it.

From Right Wing Watch (bolds mine):

Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, told The Daily Signal that she is “appalled that the evil of abortion is now the subject of a ‘romantic comedy.’
Grossu, who has not yet seen the film, has a different take.

“The movie attempts to gloss over the gravity of abortion,” she said. “But no amount of acting or short-lived laughs can take away the reality that abortion is a grave moral evil that kills one person and wounds the other.”

Obvious Child begins its Seattle run tomorrow at the Guild 45th. Read Alison Hallett's (very positive) review of the film here, find screening times here, and watch the trailer below.