Warren Throckmorton reports:

In the face of financial concerns, Seattle mega church Mars Hill Church has laid off staff and stepped up efforts to collect donations as the end of the fiscal year passed yesterday. According to ex-staff and sources inside Mars Hill church, on June 20, nine staff were let go amid concern about a sudden “budget crunch” from the church’s executive elders.

The church seems to be suffering from serious money troubles; Throckmorton's ongoing coverage indicates that donations from church members appear to be way down and church elders are scrambling to make up the difference. Part of the reason that donations are allegedly down? Stories like this one, from a former "Director of the Resurgence" at Mars Hill named Mike Anderson:

I left because the mission had died. Mark’s desire for control had pushed Acts 29 away and turned the Resurgence into a giant advertisement. I no longer recognized the old movement of former days. I also was sick to my stomach after reading and empathizing with a quote from Hitler... I want to apologize to my neighbors and the people of Seattle who have felt the myriad of hurts and pains and accusations that have come from this organization that I was a part of.

I want to apologize to women everywhere for being part of a culture that didn’t value you as equal to men.

I want to apologize to the people of different sexual orientation who have felt the weight of judgement.

You should most definitely go read the whole thing.