Michael Muskal writes for the LA Times:

Over the course of 84 hours during the Independence Day holiday in Chicago, from 3:30 p.m. Thursday to 3:30 a.m. Monday, 82 people were shot and 14 were killed.

Five of those 82 were shot by Chicago police, and two of those five people have died. And of course now the blame starts. Lots of people write it off as "gang" violence, which is a sad, barely coded attempt to claim that the violence isn't a problem for white people. Conservative blogs are claiming that Chicago's gun-control laws are proof that gun-control laws don't work. That's not true; gun control laws do work, but nationwide gun laws are what matters most. You can't create gun control laws in a city and not expect criminals to go a mile over into the next county, where the laws are much more lax. Yes, there are issues of mental health and of systemic racism and income inequality, but let's be clear that those issues are not the objects that shot and killed at least 14 people. People with guns shot over eighty Chicagoans over the weekend. Guns are the problem.