In this video interview with UK parenting site Mumsnet, Hillary Clinton sounds great on some issues—the right to choose, campaign finance reform—and not so great on others. She especially botched a question about the rape case that she handled as a lawyer in the late 1970s, failing to address the audio tape where she brags about earning the accused man's freedom. It's been a few weeks now since that audio resurfaced, and her responses to this story have not changed; she addresses the fact that she defended the alleged rapist, but not her terrible tone on the audio tape. The sooner she gets on this, the more conservative stories she'll squelch.

And this New York Times story by Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick has a lede that identifies a big problem for Clinton: She's friendly with Wall Street, at a time when Democrats are more interested in income inequality:

As its relationship with Democrats hits a historic low, Wall Street sees a solution on the horizon: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton was the industry’s home state senator, and the financial sector was the second-largest giver to her presidential campaign in 2008. In her post-State Department life, she has been showered with lucrative speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan and other financial firms. In her talks, she says it is unproductive to vilify the industry, and she avoids the kind of language that puts off financial executives, as when President Obama referred to “fat cat” bankers in 2009.

As Democrats prepare for Clinton's coronation in 2016, it's important to remember that she has historically been a candidate with some glaring weaknesses. Hopefully, she's preparing to combat these weaknesses head-on, and she'll unveil her new persona when the appropriate time comes. For now, she's showing us the same Clinton many Democrats were uneasy with in 2012.