I just read your column in this week's paper and I wanted to throw a little bit more advice CRUD's way. CRUD should look into purchasing a vibrator—like a Bullet. For a long time I was like CRUD in that I could only finish on the top with my husband during intercourse. The orgasms were great but I was a little angry that I could not climax in different positions. Well, fast forward two years later when we finally introduced that little magic thing into our sex life and—holy cow—is it awesome. I can come on my side, on my back and on my stomach. Also, the Bullet is great for masturbating because it is totally focused on the clit and it sounds like CRUD needs the clitoral stimulation for her orgasm and I can understand how hard that stimulation can be without a little help. The Bullet stimulates the clit in a way that rubbing up and down on an object just can't do, she will be amazed at the intensity of the orgasms she will be able to achieve. Oh and one more thing: she should invest in some rechargeable batteries—she'll need them!

Thanks for your great column, I read it every week!

Mom Obsessed With Clitoral Stimulation