I'm sure this guy does not represent the whole cow-manure-fetish community:

David Truscott, 43, repeatedly rolled around naked in liquid manure, called 'slurry', at a farm he had developed an obsession with in Redruth, Cornwall.... He initially removed cow pats from Woodbury House Farm but his behaviour escalated so that Truscott regularly entered the farm in search of slurry. When the farm's occupants Clive and Jackie Roth erected bollards and removed slurry in a bid to deter him, Truscott decided to exact revenge. He repeatedly set fire to the Roths' shed, tractor, enclosures and hay—killing a calf in one blaze. Last year, he admitted making threats to kill the Roth family and damaging their property. On Friday, he was handed an extended sentence of [five years].

If anyone could wrest the title of "World's Worst Superhero" from Florida Man it would be Cow Manure Fetish Man.