I just published a heartbreaking story about a local Yasidi woman, and the existence of all Yasidis as members of a minority that's endlessly, violently, unprovokedly chased around the globe. Of course I want you to read about Lusik Osoyan, and hear her story.

I also do not think that caring about Osoyan means you have to sit out Ferguson. For one, please do not read the story of Osoyan's life between 4 and 5:30 today, when you can be downtown publicly, visibly standing up against rampant police violence against innocent people. Here on Slog we will also keep you posted about how else to get involved. Maybe especially if you're white.

Yesterday's essay "What White People Can Do About the Killing of Black Men in America" by Huffington Post's executive religion editor contains wisdom:

Black Americans are rightfully outraged, but it will require all Americans to be mobilized before the racism that undergirds these killings will end and the deaths along with it. White Americans like me have to stop channel surfing all the outrageously bad news from around the world and focus on the death that is happening in our own cities to our fellow Americans. ...

I asked Rev. John Vaughn, Vice-President of Auburn Seminary, what kind of response he would like to see from white Americans. Rev. Vaughn responded via email that he hoped his white friends would be vocal and articulate why these killings are not 'yet another isolated incident' and 'explore the premise that racism is not a thing of the past.' Perhaps most importantly: "Listen to your friends and colleagues of color about their experiences and analysis of racism in America."

There's more where that came from.