Susan Latimer hasn't been arrested, she isn't being sued, the couple she turned away isn't filing a lawsuit or attempting to press charges, and the City of Phoenix's anti-discrimination law specifically allows discrimination against LGBT people by "religious businesses." But Latimer—the wedding planner/minister who isn't being sued, charged, or forced to marry anyone—is nevertheless claiming that she's being persecuted:

"There is a war on those who believe on Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit and the WORD of GOD. Why is my freedom being taken away? Where is the tolerance for our way of life? God ordained marriage between man and woman. I feel same sex marriage is wrong and have every right to believe in what GOD's WORD says."

American Christians: persecuted when they're forced to marry gay couples and persecuted when they're not forced to marry gay couples. (Confidential to Susan Latimer: A special exemption from anti-discrimination law that allows you to discriminate against gays and lesbians amounts to "tolerance for [your] way of life." It really does.)