The anti-gay National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) recently rebranded itself as the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity. They're in the business of turning gay people into straight people. And the above is their Christmas message. I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean. Three little gay robots try to play a Christmas carol on a rainbow xylophone and a much bigger and presumably straight robot comes in and blows them all because science or something and now those gay robots are straight robots?

The SLPC has some background on NARTH. The organization moved to rebrand itself after a member of its board—George Rekers—took a male sex worker on a ten-day European vacation. Rekers, who practices ex-gay therapy (therapy that led to the suicide of at least one of his clients), famously said that he needed the boy to "lift his luggage" for him because he has a bad back and Europe has no bellboys. Rekers was also the co-founder of the Family Research Council.

Stephen Colbert declared Rekers "Alpha Dog of the Week" when the scandal broke in 2010: