
It was inevitable, right? There were online fundraisers for George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson. So of course there would be one for Michael T. Slager. The fundraiser for Slager was announced last night, almost immediately after the news broke, but I didn't add it to my post because it was as depressing as it was predictable. Gun nuts and Fox News viewers threw hundreds of thousands of dollars at Zimmerman and Wilson. But Slager's fundraiser isn't doing as well:


Grand total: $65. From three donors, two of them anonymous. So the knuckle-dragging gun nuts and racist shit stains who donated to Zimmerman and Wilson's "defense funds" can't quite bring themselves to donate to Slager's. We'll never know how many Slagers have gotten away with it because a brave bystander didn't get it on video—far too many—but it's telling that Slager isn't getting any support from the mob. Here's hoping the jury has the same reaction after watching that video.

And this just in:

The lawyer who first represented Michael Slager, the North Charleston police officer charged with murdering Walter Scott on Saturday, said he dropped his client soon after a video emerged showing Slager shooting Scott eight times as he ran away.

UPDATE: And deep in the cold and stony heart of Texas...