The rictus smile of a man whos gaming the political system, in part, to save himself money on taxes.
The rictus smile of a man who's gaming the political system, in part, to save himself money on taxes. Albert H. Teich /

You may have been surprised that Trump's grandfather was a barber—that's right, a barber—who managed restaurants that shared spaces with brothels, but there's no way you're surprised that a Republican candidate's slash-and-burn tax plan is going to cost more money than it saves, are you?

Basically, Trump wants to cap the corporate tax rate at 20 percent and create a four-tiered bracket that tops out at 25 percent. Right now, the top individual rate tops out at 39.6 percent, with a corporate rate of 35 percent. (With these rates, which are the product of the fiscal cliff deal, the US Debt hasn't grown all year, as Mudede reminds us.) The L.A. Times spoke with experts from the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, who said that Trump's cuts, the lion's share of which would go to the wealthiest Americans, will cost "untold trillions."

The folk at UBTPC say they're unsure about how much the plan will actually cost because it doesn't include enough specifics about which taxes Trump will raise. The plans he lays out to pay for the cuts include closing certain loopholes, repatriating money held overseas and taxing it at a one-time-only rate of 10 percent, and capping the number of deductions for businesses and individuals.

The liberal elves over at Citizens for Tax Justice claim that the plan will will cost at least 10 trillion over the next ten years, and they provide a nice breakdown of how much less you'd have to pay in taxes under Trump's plan. Those who make less than $30,000 would enjoy a five precent share of the tax cut, while those who make more than $323,000 would enjoy a 47 percent share of that tax cut.

Always his own toughest critic, Trump's got the hottest take on this mess so far. The L.A. Times pulls this quote from a news conference Trump gave after releasing his plan: “My returns go up to the ceiling and beyond, which is ridiculous.