Says Anonymous...

Today we have shut down servers, gotten personal information on members of the KKK, and infiltrated your twitters and websites. And this is just the beginning. On November the 4th we will be having a twitter storm, spreading awareness about the operation. And on the 5th we shall release more than 1000 Ku Klux Klan members Names and websites, new and old.

There appears to be—mercifully enough—fewer anonymous KKK members/sympathizers lurking online than there were anonymous wannabe adulterers lurking on Ashley Madison. But in a just world the KKK hack would get at least as much attention as the Ashley Madison hack. Because racial hatred is a far more destructive force than sexual desire; more destructive than even adulterous sexual desire. Yet we shrug off hate as if its to be expected while flipping out about sex. Which is weird. Because hate isn't hardwired while sexual desire is*.

Anyway, unless the KKK hack exposes sitting members of Congress or famous names in the media, unless the KKK hack outs a Duggar or a Kardashian or more racist police officers than we might expect, the KKK hack isn't going to have anywhere near the impact the Ashley Madison hack did. Which will be both a shame and an indictment.

* With exception of asexuals.

UPDATE: Gizmodo says there's good reason to doubt what the hackers going after the KKK released today. But Anonymous says they haven't released anything yet...