Despite its innately thrilling subject matter (globe-trotting spies! Soviet moles!), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is an assured, thoughtfully paced movie, slow to reveal its secrets. Of course, secrets become even more irresistible in the presence of actors like Tom Hardy and a perfectly cast Gary Oldman as the mild-mannered George Smiley, John le Carré’s most enduring hero. Smiley and company’s brand of espionage is at least as much about psychology and manipulation as it is fake mustaches and car chases, and Tinker is a well-calibrated blend of exciting spy shenanigans and character observations. The film’s biggest accomplishment, though, is that it doesn’t spoon-feed the audience a single thing: not a name, not a character relationship, not a hero, not a villain. But it’s all there, if you’re paying attention. (See Movie Times)