Visual Art Jan 15, 2014 at 4:00 am

Playing Hide-and-Seek at Platform

The mysterious language of Robert Yoder’s paintings, at Platform. Courtesy of platform gallery


“All children, except one, grow up.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
two shows in one broom closet, how is this possible?
Re: hobby lanterns & Robert's painting
Emily Dickinson:

Those — dying then,
Knew where they went —
They went to God's Right Hand —
That Hand is amputated now
And God cannot be found —

The abdication of Belief
Makes the Behavior small —
Better an ignis fatuus
Than no illume at all —
Fancy (quoth he), farewell, whose badge I long did bear,
And in my hat full harebrainedly thy flowers did I wear.
Too late I find, at last, thy fruits are nothing worth;
Thy blossoms fall and fade full fast, though bravery bring them forth.
By thee I hoped always in deep delights to dwell,
But since I find thy fickleness, Fancy (quoth he), farewell.

Excerpt from
The Green Knights Farewell to Fancy
"Yoder's works feel nostalgic for some good old-fashioned shame."
hmmmm, that's not at all what I get when I look at the 'work'. But then again I guess I just don't buy as easily into the suggestability of some random artist statement that seems to have little to do with the actual art.
Yoder's art has always done a good job of recycling someone elses aesthetic. I guess that's why people like it. It's well done familiarity.
"Well done familiarity"…well said…

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