2016 Democratic Caucus Endorsement Mar 23, 2016 at 4:00 am

The Stranger Election Control Board's Endorsement for the 2016 Democratic Caucuses

David Wilson


"You must caucus for Hillary."

This is the single most over-simplified statement (of this campaign year) I have heard from any person otherwise capable of establishing a cogent declaration not loosely founded on pure idiocy, trite dogma, irrational bigotry, or outright unhinged lunacy.

Persons of better judgment and principle should and shall caucus for Bernie Sanders for many reasons, not the least of which is the discerning distinction of his NOT being a congenital liar.

Strangely, the quality of lying about policy positions, historical facts, and autobiography – as matter of daily habit – is not a disqualifying factor for Ms. Hillary Clinton's devotees, hideously-funky pant suits, notwithstanding.

Still, if in good conscience, you COULD caucus for Hillary Rodham Clinton, you are warned: the campaign-trail harbinger of yelling into a working microphone, in monotone, in nasal ad nauseam with torturous result, foreshadows her possible eight years of oratory Hell, punctuated by the likely 180º reversal of the policy positions she has been forced to co-opt from the positions Bernie Sanders has held consistently over the previous 40 years.
The SECB has been hijacked and forced into a rainbow-festooned jack-wagon of hypnosis. Lucky for Seattle: The SECB has demonstrated little (if any) influence over political elections in Seattle. I reserve the possibility of serendipity.
This is all tongue in cheek, like that other time Dan Savage supported killing em Iraqis, for their own good.
Good times, and more to come!
Thank you, The Stranger, for virtually endorsing me to vote Green Party without guilt. Your pathetic, disgraceful entrance into the Mainstream Media Arena™ is duly noted. That you would actually endorse Hillary with a list of stenographic, boilerplate reasons smacks of a Murdochian agenda that lurks beneath your rapidly-fraying hipness. Thus, there must be something in it for you to Go Hillary™. 4-8 future years of this AIPAC Angel's nouveau version of Clintonism is just another disappointment in the My Country 'Tis Of Thee Experience. If you're squandering your own votes on succumbing to your dismal concept of political reality, I shall rest easy in spending mine on political ideals. There was a time when The Stranger would stand for those very ideals, even in the face of defeat. That era is now concluded. Your choice will remain on your record. But remember, Bernie's just the beginning of a movement. Hillary's nothing but status quo, and you know it. Welcome to being just another mainstream member of little consequence. PS: Thank you for approving of that Scotch Beer Fest flyer, added to the cover, to veil Hillary's beaming visage, and subliminally UN-veiling your own shame in 'trumpeting' your defeatist endorsement. PPS: My own little fantasy scenario for women to save us from further Empire-degradation: Jill Stein, Michelle Obama, and Elizabeth Warren, rotating presidential duties by the month, as the moon suggests. Golden centuries of peace!
As a registered Dem for over 30 years I'd have to say we're comparing road apples to rotten apples. Neither really constitutes an apple I'd care to bite out of. Is Hillary the best offered in this election by the Dem Party? How would she have fared against Bill, Gore, Kerry? We know how she did against Obama. My gut tells me my party has failed to support a viable candidate, and failed to keep our pota on course. In contrast the GOP might be a three ring circus but the stink surrounding them doesn't seem to linger as long.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

I hereby withdraw my consent of the gov't and anyone who wants to join it at this point.
Yep. You guys don't really get it.

F you! She's is another fricken paid by big money politician. Y'all need to crawl back into your hole.
I don't respect the Stranger for making a game of such a serious subject. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the Middle East due to American foreign policy. For you to make a fools joke about who will lead this country is disgraceful.
This old and his bride both felt the Bern this morning. I'm 68, a veteran, own a licensed engineering firm, and relaying that meaningless info to give readers a sense of my background. I voted for Bernie because I think kids of today deserve the same breaks I received, including a college education that doesn't saddle one with the fiscal equivalent of a large home mortgage. I also think I, and my company, should pay more taxes.

The worst thing the Democrats ever did was not nominating George McGovern. Bill Clinton sure thought it was and helped found the Democratic Leadership Council to swing the party to the right to find the "Third Way." Socially, I find the Third Way more of a moral third rail. Right now my wife are reasonably sure that we'll vote for Hillz if she beats Bernie. That might change if the Dem's super-delegates simply dictate the winner.
Al Gore lost not because of Nader (but indeed, because of fraud and the Supreme Court) but mainly because he could not turn out an overwhelming vote.
He could not (or had no intention to) enunciate a cogent progressive message; one liberals were obviously yearning for (witness: Nader).
Democrats have time and again trended for the safe corporate middle, in hopes that the GOP would not outflank them on “family values”, military support and business friendliness.
Hillary Clinton decided that gay marriage was acceptable in 2013; a good ten years after 50% of Americans had already made that decision.
Hillary Clinton decided to vote for Dick and George’s war, though easily more than 50% of Democratic voters knew it was the wrong decision.

Hillary promises the same diminished message that Gore attempted to coast Bill
's coattails on.
A message that progressive must be patient again, and presumably forever.
A message that equivocates on health insurance reform and crony capitalism.
A message that the US alignment with it’s Saudi/Sunni partners in the Gulf State Monarchies is so important; that it’s worth getting involved in regime change beneficial to the Saudis (Libya, Syria).
Progressive is defined as being ahead of the curve.
Hillary has clearly always been behind the curve; or even on the wrong side of it.
The Stranger has lost a ton of credibility with it’s voter endorsements going forward.
This joke is hilarious! As a long-time lover of this paper who's been down on it for a couple of years it was great to see something so fun and playful. Great job, and thank you!
Totally lost my comment when I had to sign in and have my password retrieved. First time pissing me off, Stranger. The survey put me on the Hillary page. WTF? Your demographics for Seattle are off, since this is the bluest city in the Western United States (well, OK, maybe that's SF). I want the Bernie endorsement and I want it now, so I can send it on to other friends who are over 36 but also Bernie supporters (one is in Shoreline and is 88). Can't find on your web page.

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