2016 Democratic Caucus Endorsement Mar 23, 2016 at 4:00 am

The Stranger Election Control Board's Endorsement for the 2016 Democratic Caucuses

David Wilson


You put this perfectly!! I am now solely quoting your article when my #feeltheBern boyfriend tries to stick it to me
A logical endrosement.
I have to admit I'm stunned by this - and exuberant as well. Thank you for a well reasoned, honest endorsement.

In case you're wondering, that sound you're hearing right now is a million Slog readers losing their mind in unison.
You know you've been punk'd? The Stranger endorsement depends on the age you clicked. Well played The Stranger. Well Played!
Are you f'ing kidding me??? When the Seattle Times is more progressive than you are, it's time to do some soul searching, eh?
"...his history of selling out certain liberal ideals for political expediency"

Really? Bernie votes against a couple gun bills and this is how you generalize his political career? Hillary has done this on a number of progressive topics, but hey, you found the one example that works against Bernie. That quote above applies way more about Hillary, but whatever.
*Eats popcorn, sits back to wait and see how long it takes people to figure out.*
What a diaper load of CRAP #stillwithbernie #whichhillary
I'm 59, white, female, lifelong Democrat and I'm voting for Bernie.
Booo. Not that I think Hillary is a bad choice, or a bad candidate, or even that you shouldn't have endorsed her. But why the divisive and dismissive portrayal of Bernie? I'll happily vote for Hillary in the general, but I'm supporting Bernie in the primary. But why trash Bernie on the way to endorsing Hillary?

I guess I'm just disappointed that once the Election Control Board gets through it's sausage making and settles on Hillary (which I'm sure was contentious and far from a consensus decision), that the anonymous author felt the need to frame the decision as clear-cut and obvious, vilify the "loser" and create an endorsement without very much nuance.

Instead, why couldn't you have talked about reality; this is a close call, Hillary is smart, a grinder, pragmatic, and willing to compromise, often to a fault. Bernie is the idealistic, more radical, more principled (for better AND worse) candidate. Hillary is more likely to achieve incremental gains, but unlikely to shake things up in a fundamental way. Sanders is more likely to massive change, but is a lot more likely to fail utterly and crash and bern (sorry!). She is the safe choice. He is the high-risk/high-reward choice.

Then the Election Control Board could tell us that in their view the Hillary approach is smarter, and more likely to pay off. See?! No trashing Bernie necessary! Yes, Bernie is compromised (particularly on guns), as all politicians are, but no honest assessment of the two could conclude that Bernie is more compromised that Hillary, who too often follows her constituents rather than leads them (see gay marriage), has proven not to be politically brave (see Iraq invasion) and has taken some downright sketchy positions such as the TPP trade deal, and OMG, Wall Street and her various secret paid speeches.

I like them both, and I'd support them both in the general. But I'll caucus for Bernie. Now, was that so hard Election Control Board?
When did liberals give up on science? This editorial is nearly fact-free. Gut level political prognostication based on nothing. Poll after poll after poll after poll shows that Bernie is the stronger general election candidate. Poll after poll after poll after poll shows that Clinton - rightly or wrongly - is deeply disliked by the general electorate, while Bernie is +23 in favorability.

It's admirable that Clinton has won the favor of African-Americans, but here's the reality: more than 90% of African-Americans will vote for the Democratic candidate. Whether it's Gore, Kerry, Obama, Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Independents, men and Caucasians are far more up for grabs and Bernie does far, far better with them. If your first interest is keeping Trump or Cruz out of the White House, vote Bernie.
@8 Yup. If it wasn't for @5 I'd still be in my delusional state of joy.
I just can't resist. The arguments in this endorsement are pretty bad.

"Black voters matter. Democrats don't win national elections without black voters, and they're speaking unambiguously in favor of Hillary."

What the fuck is the SECB suggesting here? That if Bernie wins the nomination he'll lose the general election because black voters won't vote for him? You all think they're going to sit home and not vote when the opponent is Trump/Cruz? You're mixing shit together and making it seem like we should be fearful of voting for Bernie in the primary.
These are the primaries, where we're SUPPOSED to vote for the candidate that best represents who we want. This is the time to vote for the greater good, rather than the lesser evil. I'm caucusing for Bernie, and frankly I'm disappointed in the Stranger for this low level debasement.
Ha ha. Well done. Got me all worked up! Also, if you guys ever pull shit like this again I'll burn your offices down. Kisses!
Now the Stranger is part of the problem, not the solution. This is a de facto endorsement of massive political corruption and the status quo is inexcusable. I will be reminding the Board of this when President Hillary Clinton launches a war with Iran in 2018.
In 8 terms in the House, Sanders never cracked the Top 30 left-most members. (Out own Jim McD captured the left post repeatedly - AND got more legislatin' accomplished to boot, even in GOP-controlled Congresses).

Bernie feels a lot of things that need feeling, and thinks a lot of things that need thinking, and says a lot of things that need saying ... but he not strong on getting things done that need doing. He - and we - would fare even worse with expanded GOP majorities in House and Senate (and state leges), which would be the upshot of a Sanders nomination (EVEN IF he managed to land in the White House).

He's a socialist. Fine. I'm a socialist. But I need a candidate who practices the Art of the Possible, not just strains his back trying to un-jam the Overton Window.

Yes, the economy is rigged ... but the size of the big banks is pretty tangential to the core problems. Like Trump, and Cruz, he's produced no real plans to put his plans into effect. And he's got a bunch of followers mindlessly echoing baseless talking points about our eventual nominee - doing the Trump's work for him.

So yeah, I'm feeling the Bern - and in this age of progressive medical science, nobody should have to.
What a cop-out. Either openly endorse them both, or make up your f**king minds. Don't pull this crap.
@ #8 - seriously? Wow and just wow. Here's the cool part. Look how wrong that stereotype is.
Ugh, you cut the survey age groups far too low. I'm not nearly old enough to support Hillary.
This is a disappointment but not a total shock. Many recent Stranger articles have slanted pro Hillary but I had hoped that The Stranger was more politically astute and not quite so cynical.

Hillary is clearly not the "Real Progressive"; that is a ludicrous claim. Hillary is bought and paid for by the moneyed interests and everybody knows it. How do you explain her 6 years on the board of Walmart and her promotion of Fracking and Monsanto? Is it really ok with you that she is bankrolled by the banks, fossil fuel companies and big Pharma? Is it at all concerning to you that her campaign manager is John Podesta, whose lobbying firm represents companies like Walmart, Lockheed Martin, BP and Bank of America? Hillary Clinton is an establishment politician and in no way progressive. We can expect our wars to continue and the gap between the rich and poor to continue along the same trajectory.

Your claim that only Hillary can beat back Trump is also off the mark. Trump is popular partly because he recognizes that millions of people are struggling economically and he provides them easy answers and solutions that are not really solutions at all, but racist, nationalist demagoguery. Trump will skewer Clinton for her establishment complicity in their circumstances (Nafta,TPP, Bank bailouts, etc.). He will call her out for her scandals, real or perceived. Trump literally has NOTHING on Bernie. People are not afraid of Democratic Socialism. Ask a Trump supporter and many say their second choice is Bernie. If logic isn't enough to convince you, how about the polls? The polls show that Bernie is much stronger against Trump than Clinton.

The Stranger has been going down hill for a while and I hate to say this may be the nail in the coffin.
I LOVE IT. Thanks for making me feel less alone and adrift in a sea of Berners.
Hi fellow old people. Say, what are you doing to deal with lumbago pain?
At least I know where you stand. I'm #StillWithBernie
@12 Yeah, let's support Bernie even though African-American voters (a very large and important part of the Democratic Party) have signaled their strong support for Hillary because Bernie might get us more white voters and African-Americans will vote Democratic regardless.

Way to discount, undervalue and take for granted the support of African-Americans for the Democratic Party. I hope you're not doing outreach for the Sanders campaign.

But, I don't want to clear out my cookies just to see what the young people and the paranoid people get to see!
Wow! My respect for the Stranger board has gone up several fold! I was expecting a typical Berniebot endorsement. One of the best articulated endorsements for Hillary.
Whatever. The Stranger is drunk. Time to go home!
Haha! But HRC IS a Republican! She is establishment politics at its worst and she is additionally a fake, a fraud and a corrupt dangerous element. I'm over 50 and supporting the one candidate that polls show CAN BEAT TRUMP (EVEN in the most RED state in USA - Utah) across the country. Well, we all know that the Stranger is just a silly entertaining rag sheet, not news so its ok but REAL newspapers know the difference. Check out the Times.
wow. I'm truly stunned...if I'd answered a younger age would I have gotten a different endorsement? I saw the way the comment ran when you asked for input.
Nice endorsement. If you have grown up then vote for Hillary. If you have not grown up or are not sure if you have, then vote for Bernie.
Just realized the age thing. arguments are solid though! And honestly, they are both quality candidates, it just really boils down what specifics democrats want to see in their candidate.
Holy shit. You DO get a different endorsement if you answer a different age, but I had to check another browser to see it.

SHAME ON YOU. Voting isn't a fucking joke.

oh, and 2 more words before I leave this feed....REPUBLICAN CONGRESS (reflect on what that means for a democrat or democratic socialist as president)
Is it just me or is the endorsement for Hillary much more articulate than the one for Bernie?
@26 I'm sorry if that my pointing out an obvious fact - that African-Americans are the most durable Democratic voting block - upsets you. It just happens to be true. The Editorial Board is making an electability argument and are (bizarrely) insinuating that if Bernie won the nomination he wouldn't enjoy similarly strong support that all Democratic Presidential candidates enjoy. Some other facts:

African-American votes in Presidential elections
2000 Gore 90% Bush 9%
2004 Kerry 88% Bush 11%
2008 Obama 95% McCain 4%
2012 Obama 93% Romney 6%

Male votes in Presidential elections
2000 Gore 43% Bush 54%
2004 Kerry 44% Bush 55%
2008 Obama 49% McCain 48%
2012 Obama 45% Romney 52%

Independent votes in Presidential elections
2000 Gore 46% Bush 48%
2004 Kerry 50% Bush 48%
2008 Obama 52% McCain 44%
2012 Obama 45% Romney 50%
HEY GUYS if you clicked on Age 18-30 you'd be taken here instead — notice anything different?


I'm done listening to anything The Stranger has to say when it comes to politics anymore after this stupid shit.
1) I NEVER tell anyone my age, and

2) I cannot BELIEVE you guys are endorsing Donald Trump!!!
and @jk98106 I have to agree..
I'm 46 and voting Bernie. And I think your double endorsement is lame. I don't know what happened to the Stranger. I keep thinking it will change back into the great weekly that it used to be, but it just keeps getting worse. So disappointing to read this terrible endorsement filled with mainstream media talking points spoon-fed from the Clinton campaign.
If the SECB no longer takes its endorsements seriously, why the hell should we?
Been giving your voting cheat sheet for major elections a solid set of forwards for quite a number of years, as it rarely differs from my own summations. I even have literally used your endorsement on some issues or candidates I missed entirely once I reached the poll.
That's just all gone out the window. Everything is (as well it should be, arguably) suspect.
As a Boomer for Bernie, why insult all of us who have actually seen Secretary Clinton in action for decades? I am 65 yr old and Senator Sanders is the only nominee who speaks for me.

I stand with Bernie Sanders as the Real Progressive! I will be at my Precinct's Caucus on Saturday with the rest of my over-the-hill friends and neighbors, who also are all standing together for Bernie... For a Future to Believe In for ourselves, our kids, and our grandchildren!
It's worth saying again in case anyone missed it, but their endorsement is based on the age group you chose. If you select the 17-30 age group then it was an equally emphatic endorsement of Sanders. I don't know what happens if you choose the other age groups. Drumpf? O'Malley?
I'd rather vote for someone who maybe thinks it doesn't make sense to sue gun manufacturers (rather than, say, sellers or owners) than someone who maybe thinks Saddam Hussein has WMDs and is working with Al Qaeda Taliban Isis. Or thinks that we should prevent democracy in Honduras. Or thinks that billionaires are really just very nice people who care about everyone and if we are very nice to them they will stop fucking us over constantly.
Or, you know, thinks that Nancy Reagan cured AIDS or whatever.
Very cute, the age-based results. Well-played SECB!
@37 Wow statistics! And a passive aggressive apology to boot!

I'm not upset that you are taking for granted that African-Americans are a reliable voting bloc of the Democratic Party. It just demonstrates you don't understand party politics and that national political parties are essentially coalitions, which is why you think the Stranger was insinuating Sanders won't receive the same level of support as previous Democratic nominees. That's not the argument they are making though. The argument they are making is that a very large and important part of the Democratic coalition is resoundingly behind one candidate, and it's probably good idea to listen to them on this issue. if you have an issue with that, fine. Though, if you hope to keep African-Americans as part of the Democratic coalition you're reason for discounting their opinions shouldn't be to get more white votes.

Regardless, the reason to support Clinton over Sanders as the Democratic nominee is that Sanders was not a member of the Democratic Party until recently, he's not worked to get other democrats elected, and as he said in an interview, the only reason he's running in the Democratic primary is because of the media exposure.

Sanders' bubble would undoubtedly deflate and I have no idea what the constant drumbeat of "Socialist" will do.
67 and voting bernie....will never vote hillary.....it's insulting you would think that, you ageist twats.....even my 80 year old uncle voted bernie and by the way, we live in tennessee.... #StillSanders #FeelTheBern
Calling Hillary Clinton a Progressive is false.

Both Clintons, along with Rahm Emmanuel, have been leaders of the New Democrats ever since Bill was president in the 90's. The whole point of the New Democrats has always been to destroy the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party, to end the New Deal era, to get big money from Wall Street and other corporate donors (MIC, PIC, etc.) in exchange for selling out traditional Democratic constituents - mainly working people and minorities.

There is nothing progressive about Henry Kissinger's foreign policy. There is nothing progressive about ending welfare as we know it. There is nothing progressive about ending the New Deal ("the era of big government"). There is nothing progressive about starting a war with Iraq, destabilizing Syria and Libya, and supporting a right wing coup that overthrew democracy in Honduras. There is nothing Progressive about deregulating Wall Street.

There is nothing Progressive about the Clintons. It is so counterfactual that it is obscene to claim otherwise.
@50 "More concerning: A large part of Bernie's poor performance so far traces back to his failure to win support from minority voters ... If Bernie is leading a revolution, it's an overwhelmingly white one ... Democrats don't win national elections without black voters"

I don't know if you read this endorsement closely, but when they say: "Democrats don't win national elections without black voters," they ARE insinuating that Bernie won't enjoy similarly strong African-American support that all Democratic candidates enjoy.

As a person of color and someone how has held positions at nearly all levels of the Democratic party, I feel confident that I understand party politics and how the Democratic party is a diverse, multicultural coalition of people from all backgrounds. And as a Democratic party officer, I'm not swayed by your tribalistic argument against Sanders: "He's a johnny-come-lately to the Democratic party." As someone that has helped write Democratic party platforms, he hews far closer to the Democratic ideal of a politician than Clinton does.
Goddammit, you hipster assholes... get off my lawn, and take your endorsement pranks with you.
@53 I did and it's telling you left off "and they're speaking unambiguously in favor of Hillary" both times you quoted that part of the endorsement. Don't just quote part of a sentence and use it as a justification for your opinion, that's just sloppy.

It's not a tribalistic argument against Sanders, it's a realistic and pragmatic one. Jimmy Carter ran and was elected as, essentially, someone outside of the Democratic Party. The result was a disaster of a presidency and the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. I'd prefer we don't have repeat of another ineffective Democratic President that accomplishes little while in office for only 4 years.
I knew Keck would make sure it was Hillary.

Just like he got rid of the $15/hr faction. He's kinda liberal, but only kinda. Not willing to face serious change from the status quo. Seattle is basically a pretty nice place for while business owners like him, and so not too much progress, not too fast, thanks.
pick a side you jerks.
@38: Prior clicking of one of the age choices sets a cookie and means you have to re-do using Private Browsing (Safari) or Incognito mode (Chrome) to see the alternative endorsement.
No. I'll vote for her in the general if I must, but the primary/caucuses are where progressives will make their voices heard by voting for Bernie, the only actual progressive in the mainstream parties.
@55 Yes, when they include "and they're speaking unambiguously in favor of Hillary" their argument (unambiguously) is that the only way for Democrats to win Presidential elections is with African-American voters and the only way to ensure that African-Americans vote Democratic is with Clinton at the top of the ticket, which is pure hogwash. If you can't understand The Stranger's uncomplicated prose perhaps you shouldn't read it.

"[T]he reason to support Clinton over Sanders as the Democratic nominee is that Sanders was not a member of the Democratic Party until recently" is pure tribalism. People who have a (D) after their name are good, those who don't are bad. That's a tribal argument, not an effectiveness argument. All Democratic Presidents since the 60's have run as outsiders. Jimmy Carter was a Georgia Governor who ran as D.C. outsider and an honest, reliable candidate following Watergate; Bill Clinton was an Arkansas Governor who was head of the centrist, Third-Way DLC who ran as a D.C. outsider; Barack Obama had been a U.S. Senator for only 2 years before running for president that ran as a D.C. outsider running on the message of changing how D.C. operates. If you think it's Jimmy Carter's "outsider" nature that was the cause for his failure to win reelection, I'd recommend you pick up a history book.
@60 It's not. You are. You're making that leap. Their argument is Clinton is the candidate that best represents the diverse, multi-cultural coalition that makes up the Democratic Party. Sanders is essentially the candidate of white liberals, and the primary results to date have shown this.

Since you're big on "uncomplicated prose", I didn't say DC outsider, I said "outside the Democratic Party", which is not synonymous with being a DC outsider or someone who is running as a DC outsider (and running as a DC outsider, is meaningless as anyone can say they are a running as a DC outside, and in fact many have).

Now, the DLC was not outside the Democratic Party in 1992, so Clinton was not outside the party when he ran. Obama gave a key address at the 2004 Convention, he was not someone outside of the Democratic Party when he ran in 2008.

As for Jimmy Carter, great ex-president, horrible, ineffective president. And I didn't say his "outsider nature" was the cause of his failure to win reelection, that's you putting words in my mouth. His presidency was a failure because his WH was poorly staffed and he had an antagonistic relationship with a Democratic Congress, both caused by him essentially operating outside of the Party he's supposed to lead.

I never said politicians without a D beside their name are bad, again, that's you putting words in my mouth. I suggest you stop doing that as you're failing miserably. What a Sanders WH will look like is a legitimate question and one that needs to be answered. I have a good idea what a Clinton WH will look like.
But, ultimately, the Stranger disappoints me by not flip-flopping the endorsements by age. That's the puckish Stranger I remember, not the Stranger who takes the safe way out by touting Sanders to their twentysomething readership while making the olds feel OK about their Hillary support.
This kicks a lot of ass. Nice job.
@19 this is the hipster way, and it pays the bills:

1. pick both sides and wait to see who wins
2. claim to have been for the winner all along
3. once everyone else is onboard, immediately declare that the winner is a sellout and how much better the loser would have been instead

Repeat forever.

Your reckless front cover endorsing Hillary Clinton showed you're either jerks or assholes. Jerks if it's an April Fools not explained inside the newspaper. Assholes if you're actually endorsing Hillary.

I later went online and picked each of the "age" surveys. Even more aggravating, you assign Bernie to 30-and-under, and lump the rest of us into a Hillary group. Insulting.

Likewise with printing two editions with 85,000 copies endorsing Bernie and another 85,000 for Hillary--which edition lists a "Feature" endorsement on Page 14, but it's actually buried on Page 40. It explains nothing, and says I would be "stupid" and "self-defeating" to vote for Bernie. That's elitist-pig talk.

And talk about "self-defeating." This election is serious; your delivery weak. When the Election Board's split, just say so. Print two editorials and sign them. Two editions without explanation? Not even sophomoric. Just "stupid," because you wasted your political capital and earned derision.

--Mark Hennon
Yeah, it was late and the intoxicated board had yet to make a decision. Then someone piped up an idea of doing a silly endorsement by age gimmick - and everybody said no that we'd loose their integrity. But then after a while, and another round, they decided to do it as something novel and fun. "The trolls will hate it!" Eli exclaimed. "I know" Dan grinned.
@67 is fiction.
Time to delete Slog from your Favorites and go on to something else. They don't value their readership; why stick around?
Would someone please do a link to the Bernie endorsement? Someone way up above said they were doing it but it didn't work.
I guess this is what suicide looks like for a newspaper. It was a good run, Stranger.
If the younger demographic survey button is pushed, you get and endorsement for Bernie. If the older demographic survey button is pushed, you get an endorsement for Clinton. Once you've taken the survey, the decided endorsement is the only one you'll see--and all you'll ever see--unless you clear your browser history and open the article again, making the other demographic choice. This 'clever' manipulation has tarnished The Stranger's integrity in my mind. I may not recover my former trust and appreciation of the organization. A formal apology is in order.
I too was full of Bernie-type enthusiasm back in 1972, supporting Sen. George McGovern for President. We got him the nomination, and then we handed the presidency to the greatest crook to ever occupy the White House.

I learned from my mistakes. Hillary for President in 2016.
@39: You saw a Trump endorsement?
1st button (young) - Sanders
2nd button (older) - Clinton
3rd button (no age) - Sanders - but Urgutha Forka saw Trump!

Just how many endorsements are floating around? Is there one for Ted Cruz? Or perhaps the buttons might non mean a thing and its all serviced by just one method that picks an editorial at 'random', or from a seed value provided by the button. You guys are having too much fun.
My main quibble would be that I really don't think Sanders would have any trouble at all beating Trump; he really is a terrible general election candidate. On electability they each have some strengths and weaknesses, hard to predict which would play out more, but against Trump it's academic anyway.

What needs to be said as loudly and often as possible is that preferring Sanders' policy platform to Clinton's isn't a good reason to vote for him, because we're not electing a prime minister. Even in the (extremely unlikely) event the Republicans lost congress, either Sanders or Clinton will be well to the left of the median vote in Congress. Sanders' idea of "political revolutions" is lazy nonsense; revolutions end at the White House, they don't stop there. The best thing that could happen for Sanders' political agenda is for him to do well but just lose the nomination and go back to the Senate and promote it. Let Clinton take the inevitable (and unfair) blame for Congress's do-nothing obstructionism, and grow the movement by electing and winning over more legislators. Sanders can't even be bothered to construct a theory of how his shortcut is going to work; I can't see why the rest of us should take him seriously until he does that.

(The Clinton derangement syndrome in this thread is insane. Stop falling for Republican propaganda so easily, kids.)
are you kidding? I have disagreed with y'all before, but this time I'm done, I'll follow Dan Savages twitter, goodbye savage love app, telling visitors that your the 'real' Seattle alt weekly. I cannot put into words my dissapointment. #bernieorbust ( no I am not a mellenial)
Sorry, no, I didn't actually get a Trump endorsement, though that would have been great fun! Choosing the "no age" category merely forced me to pick one of the actual age categories.

But I felt like being sarcastic since the SECB was doing the same thing. :)
Well said. SECB, you never disappoint, even when I fear you might. If you're not a Democratic Socialist at twenty four you have no heart. If you're still a Democratic Socialist at seventy four you have no head.
@66 Mark it's time to ditch the anarchist wardrobe and reclaim a sense of humor. It has been my experience that angry Bernie supporters who equate support of Hillary with being an "asshole" usually have little personal insight and a problem with female leadership.
I think the Stranger is trolling the people who are a little over the top in their endorsement of one candidate or the other. The Stranger is not commenting on their choice of nominee but rather on the followers of the nominee.

On issues that the Stranger has cared about most their is not that much difference. Don't belive me? Go read Dahlia Lithwick's piece today about the SCOTUS questions about the birth-control mandate.

Still don't believe me? Go read about the NC anti - LGBT bill.

Sure Bernie raises tax more on the rich and Hillary is more progressive on guns. I really wish Hillary would not have called Kissenger a friend.

Both listened to Black Lives Matter groups and improved.

I am glad Bernie is running. He has been a force for good. If he wins, we should all support him. But please don't forget that Hillary's favourable ratings come after 30 years of attack. Hillary knows what is coming and has taken it before. Hillary's economic plans are better fleshed out.

Relax progressive American neighbours. You have a couple of good candidates.
I made a "their there" error. D'oh.
I think the Stranger is trolling the people who are a little over the top in their endorsement of one candidate or the other.

Ya think?

@82 is right; the amount of emotion and energy invested in this primary is way out of proportion with the stakes. There's really just not that much at stake in the Democratic primary, people. We're not going to have a window of opportunity a la 09-10. The job will be: appoint a decent SCOTUS justice or three, keep the lights on, and stop the Republicans in congress from blowing shit up.
What's even more fun than these age-based endorsements is the outrage in the comments.
It's a sure sign that The Stranger has jumped the shark when The Seattle Times turns out to be more progressive than "Seattle's Only Newspaper."
Let it never be said that The Stranger ever misses an opportunity to be total dicks.
Susie @86 -- It never occurred to you that our fair city's Republican newspaper might have ulterior motives for endorsing Sanders?
I'm female, white, sixty-six, still working and I remember how this country was when it had a middle class, no one was living in their cars, schools worked, and the number of children living in poverty was much less. Clinton? The ex-Goldwater girl who moved Bill right to win in Arkansas and look whats come of that. I'd sure like to know what the ratio of staff was for Clinton/Sanders and just who had the most influence. Something doesn't make sense about this. Is Keck worried about his taxes?
@75 Elect Hillary and you're handing over the Whitehouse to the biggest crook to occupy the Whitehouse in 21st century.
I JUST DID OPEN SAFARI AND CLICKED ON THE YOUNGER AGE ONT HE SURVEY AND UP CAME BERNIES PICTURE INSTEAD OF HILLARY'S. You know, this may influence people. I wish you hadn't done this. But it is sort of an Onion-style prank.
All sorts of bullshit. I am 51, I already caucused for Bernie and so did my entire family of 8 (including our kids and our parents)

"Relax progressive American neighbours. You have a couple of good candidates."

You have a right to your opinion. I see a world of difference: corporatist vs. main street; foreign intrigue vs. domestic agenda; a legislator with accomplishments that benefited people without needing fanfare or publicity and who crossed the aisle to get it - couldn't find anything for Hillary: Absence of focus on inequality vs. focus on inequality - Did Hillary ever mention inequality before Bernie brought it up?; Those off the top of my head.

Perhaps we just have different values.
RonK @88, no given that Bernie beats Republicans by far greater margins that Hillary does.
This is very disappointing Stranger...I guess you are a stranger to me, to your readers, and to Seattle; because only a stranger would do something so incredibly stupid to try and satisfy all of their readers. Even if I was voting for Hilary-pathological liar-Clinton, I would see past this stunt. You should be ashamed of yourselves. #stillbernie #bernie #revolution
If y'all don't want to clear your cookies to read the other article, you can switch back and forth by pasting this into your console (F12) to set the cookie:

$.cookie('e4030',articleBOid, { domain: IDX.env.cookieHostName, path: '/', expires: 7 })

And refresh. Replace articleBOid with articleHOid to get back to Hillary. I just snipped this from the appropriately-named code that the Stranger uses, here: https://www.thestranger.com/assets/base/…

Also, pasting things random strangers on the internet tell you to into your console is a bad idea. This stranger promises his snippet does what it promises, and if you know your jQuery you can see that it's just setting a cookie, but, uh, don't get in the habit, k?
Also: you'll have to go back to the article (not the comments) to do the switch, and if you get into a weird redirect loop, you can always paste this in at any point to get back to the survey:

$.cookie('e4030',null, { domain: IDX.env.cookieHostName, path: '/', expires: 7 })

Maybe do a hard refresh (Ctrl-F5) if you're looping too. Enjoy reading the article you really wanted to!
I like Sanders but this is the best article I've seen so far in favor of Clinton. Regardless of who wins the Democratic nomination, the far bigger issue is to get Republicans out of Congress, particularly the Senate. I personally think Sanders has a better chance of pushing back against obstructionists, but neither one has a real chance until voters send a very clear message that we're not going to put up with these a-holes rendering our government completely ineffective. Since the Rs these days do a very poor job of policing their own batshit extremists we need to VOTE OUT REPUBLICANS, even the "moderates" (assuming any are left)! That is priority one.
Thank you so much for this. I'd encourage democrats to read this article about why poor people and people of color are voting for Hillary:


And then to look at Hillary's record on reproductive health, international women's healthcare, gender pay equality, and Planned Parenthood:


And then ask themselves whether we can really afford to have a lame duck president, which is what Bernie will be when all of his grand plans for revolution are blocked by congress.
@95 northender - "I see a world of difference: corporatist vs. main street; foreign intrigue vs. domestic agenda; a legislator with accomplishments that benefited people without needing fanfare or publicity and who crossed the aisle to get it - couldn't find anything for Hillary: Absence of focus on inequality vs. focus on inequality - Did Hillary ever mention inequality before Bernie brought it up?"
Life would be so much easier if it were as black and white as corporatist vs. main street, etc. Unfortunately such is not the case. Bernie is receiving donation from all kinds of people - some of whom are no doubt bankers and others are no doubt CEOs and stockbrokers. Should he turn that money away? What if spouse of a Fortune 500 makes a sizable donation? Does that taint or compromise him? Regarding Hillary's resume´, it is hard for me to believe that you were unable find a multitude of examples of her work on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens. As a young woman she worked (and has continued to work) shoulder to shoulder with Marion Wright Edelman to build the Children's Defense Fund into the primary lobby on behalf of children. This may not seem so remarkable, but at the time no organized entity was advocating for the best interests of children - after all, they have no money. I really recommend that you check out her website to read her platform regarding people with disabilities (an area that Bernie has been slow to address and vague in his proposals). As far as inequality is concerned - are you kidding! (That is a rhetorical question.) Hillary is the first female candidate for President who has ever come this close to being the party nominee. Do you think she needs an aged, white male to remind her of inequality? Despite decades of thinly veiled misogynistic attacks on her character she has remained in the game. Despite vicious, hateful, misogynistic comments like many of those in this comments section (@101) she has remained a staunch advocate for women and all who are faced with discrimination. Despite being vilified, dismissed and under the scrutiny of those who wished to see her fail as Secretary of State, she has remained an international voice of reason. I have often wondered how she manages to retain her compassion. Is she the pure-as-the-driven-snow, leftist candidate of my dreams? Nope, and I happen to think that is a good thing. Is she able to work effectively with opponents in order to achieve the best outcomes possible? Yes, without a doubt and I happen to think that is the best we can ask of any leader. During the next debate I would ask that you watch the candidates non-verbal behavior. What I have seen is Bernie persistently interrupting by thrusting his hand in the air and impatiently contorting his face in a grimace. How does one listen to the other speaker if they are wrapped up in challenging what they have said? Then I want you to watch Hillary while Bernie speaks. She turns her body and her focus in order to listen and consider what he is saying. That ability to focus and listen carefully and demonstrate respect are the skills that prevent conflict. They are the skills of a leader.
"his history of selling out certain liberal ideals for political expediency..." Youve got to be fucking joking right? Hilary clinton is the god-emperor of flip flopping when its politically expedient. her history of selling out progressive causes made me think your article was satire at first. Nope, just shameless distortion from a magazine i had respected.
... only slightly confused given the same article despite the age range. I'm a professor. Was that, perhaps, for research? Or show? Buzzfeed factor?
And so today, the bloom comes off for The Stranger. My favorite little indy paper that could, that they would prompt us to back a corporate whore before backing a democratic candidate that sure, while not having a spot-free record, sure as hell has a better one than the opposition.

Is Trump an evil asshat. No question about it. But Hillary is a corporate stooge. And while I would vastly prefer her in the White House over the likes of Trump, Rubio, Cruz etc; Lets make no mistake about it. With the corporations backing her, she's nearly equally as dangerous.

We quiver at the thought of Trump as POTUS, and rightfully so. He's a self-serving moron. Anyone with a half an ounce of effort can find evidence this guy has been a waste of oxygen for years now. But lets look a little deeper.

From the scams in Arkansas, to constant double-speak, to glaring down the very people that would dare to ask tough questions in a public forum, Clinton is just as big of an asshole. She just has the political wherewithal to try and hide it. And she does it well.

That's why I'm so disappointed in The Stranger's thoughtless endorsement of Clinton over Bernie Sanders. It shows the kind of fear we must stand against. Why, when Sanders holds free rallies at Key Arena literally overflowing with people, while Clinton sips coffee in Medina, far from scrutiny, collecting checks, that we should feel comfortable supporting her?

I expect views like this from the Seattle Times, or even the PI online, or a national syndicate. Not from The Stranger.

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