
Look at the biographies of any random dozen porn stars from the period covered, and you will likely find everything that happens to the eight or so in this film, making it fairly realistic. What Mr Hook saw as a morality tale I see as simple cause and effect—for example, he neglected to mention that Eddie winds-up in that truck not as retribution for sin but because of coke-fuelled Duning-Krugerism leading to his 0.) believing he can sing and 1.) ditching the person who understands how to make money from his cock.

Mr Hook failed to note (or appreciate) its being nearly continually,if darkly, funny, and well-shot; he misreads the ending badly, not 'happy' but instead 'still we go on'.

Where it is anti-sexual it seems entirely on safe ground, that of sexual attraction's tending to make people stupid, which it routinely does, hence 'infatuation'. As for what it can show and still be allowed to go make money, well, that is the nation's stupidity, not Anderson's.

Also Alfred Molina.

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