
congratulations. that delightfully irrelevant and quasi-pretentious last sentence made me want to kill myself.
Good service (rapid, often, convenient, clean, safe) = people will ride
No need for "marketing" except to tell people how to use the system
Some much-needed perspective from Mr. Mudede. A dear friend of mine who lives on the Eastside has told me she's never taken Link light rail. A very enlightened and cultured person by the way. And it's not that she's averse to it in any way; it's that she simply has never considered it.

There is a generational aspect to this, and in a good way. Millennials are far more open to riding transit than Baby Boomers or even Gen-Xers. I'm sure part of that is the revival of urban living; another part is sheer economic necessity.
I dunno... is it by any chance that one line that is in desperate need of an editor, judging by its lack of a preposition and comma?

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