
1, no they didn't
File under "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery" and move on.
People like this Luna wacko actively hold back human progress with their nonsense mysticism.

They should be disrespected, mocked, and laughed out of town due to the harm they cause, trying to put humanity back into the dark ages.

You can't even sue them, because the courts and greater society realize that their "services" are so obviously bullshit that no self-respecting or rational adult could possibly think they were real.
@2: if they practiced witchcraft, they're witches. no different than priests or nuns.

both religions believe in things that don't exist, both perform elaborate magic rituals, both provide solace and a ethical code for the adherents.

starbucks rips everybody off. everybody rips everybody off.
@6: It has been a while since I went to church, but are priests charging money for communion, or is there a credit card reader on the confessional now?

Both may be obvious and laughable bullshit, but at least one is not charging you money to lie to your face.
So acrylic nails and colorful candles from the botánica are cultural appropriation if your not a black Mexican "witch" (and subject to copyright) now???

Jesus. This world deserves ALL of its horrid shit and more.
@8 they absolutely charge money for communion.
I already sprained my eyes, rolling them at Rick Frothy Mix and his stupid CPR comment. This witch chick has set back my healing process at least two weeks. I'm going to sue her!

Then what was that plate they passed around every Sunday that people put money into for?
@10: Going to request some proof on that one. Never have I once heard about or witnessed a church demanding payment for attendance or partaking in rituals.

That being said, I would not be surprised if such a thing existed, but you would need more than one or two outliers to make the point I believe you want to make.
@13: You are joking, right?

@14: It is not anyone else's fault that you believe in incredibly stupid shit and are getting conned by some scam artist "witch."
Having seen this kind of stuff during the 1980s, I'd say all parties involved here are derivative and unoriginal. However, each generation has to express the same basic human experience in its own way so of course it has all been done before, but in slightly different forms. Having said that, sorry lady, but crystals, long pointy nails, purple clothes and hocus pocus are not your personal turf.
Damn people, it isn't her lifestyle that's on trial here.

I empathize if she feels ripped off—it's possible, a "mood board" is a pretty common part of the creative process for commercial works and it's not impossible one of her photos was included. That said, Starbucks has been using a Brooklyn-based agency for similar campaigns in the past so I don't know how likely it is they're (assuming it's the same firm) aware of The Hoodwitch.
@14, that's the love of the left that brought us The Great Leap Forward and gulags!!
Surely she could find multiple people to sue at any Con.

Churches of all kinds expect their members to make "donations".
Technically speaking, that is a little bit different than charging someone to read their tarot cards, but it is a very slight technical difference.
If you want to get married in a church, baptize a child or have a funeral you are indeed going to pay for those services up front.

I'm an atheist, and all religion seems like bullshit to me.
I don't see any difference in the Christian trying to pay his way into Heaven by tithing, or some Wiccan paying for a love potion.
It's all equally ridiculous, and to think otherwise is ludacris.

That being said, I doubt the Hoodwitch has any legal claim to damages.
Did Campbell's Soup sue Andy Warhol?
If they did, did they win?

I don't think the Hoodwitch is being ripped off by Starbucks.
That hippie chick used to date isn't being ripped off by the hood whitch either. She paid for a service, and she got it. Whether you call it religion or entertainment doesn't matter.
That hippie chick paid for a service, and it was rendered.

I don't say Christians aren't Christians because I don't believe in their God, just like I don't say witches are witches because I don't believe in witchcraft.

If you believe in Witchcraft, and you say you're a witch, then you're a witch.

Here's a fun fact for you. Apparently some people list Jedi as their religion on the census.
Is she trying to make out like she invented witchcraft and long nails?? PUHLEEZE
One must have both style and a life to have a lifestyle.

Patchouli, smudge sticks, acrylic nail extensions, knuckle tattoos and crystals are the actual opposite of actual style.

Obsessing on the belief that Starbucks has appropriated "the images that represent your culture" (what ever the fuck that means) clearly indicates that one has no actual life.

So no... this can not be, on any level, about her "lifestyle"...
@27 - I don't personally think she has much of a case—both parties are using pretty standard motifs and it's unlikely the agency is aware of her—but I was referencing the ad-hominem comments that were criticising her look and religion rather than discuss the merits of her complaint. You don't have to like it, but she most certainly does have a style.
Sometimes I miss Seattle (I moved away last year) so I look at the Stranger website and then I see stuff like this and then miss Seattle less.

Thanks Hoodwitch!
This whole slog and article has been a wonderful promotion for Hoodwitch but I really believe the article is a publicity stunt. Watch for a series of commercial ads for Hoodwitch in the Stranger popping up in the near future.
Can't she just cast a spell and make it all right?
The Stranger comment section hates Seattle culture, jesus. A young entrepreneur makes a bit of success from her spiritual/religious brand, a HUGE corporation steals her trendy idea (because they know there isn't shit she can do about it), and y'all side with Starbucks, while making fun of her.
@25: thank you for that comment. that's what I was trying to say. witches are witches if they practice witchcraft. it's their trip.

@32: Slog made fun of Rachel Dolezal, too, and it wasn't nice. at the root, her delusions are just sad.
"This is my culture," Luna says.

her parents are witches? She grew up in a coven?

Or its like, this is her adult hobby?
One more thing to consider, April 1st is this coming Sunday.

This post is fucking stupid.

@14 My grandmothers taught me that black tourmaline and sage are guaranteed to invoke cancer in entitled ass white people. Conveniently, I have just such a bundle available today only for $99.99 — guaranteed to be extra carcinogenic! (PS: This is my culture. Fuck you for trying to cheapen it.)

@30 almost certainly nailed it.


@32 ”The Stranger comment section hates Seattle culture, jesus. A young entrepreneur makes a bit of success from her spiritual/religious brand...”

”Seattle culture ... young entrepreneur ... spiritual/religious brand”

Hucksters aren’t Seattle culture. Get out, n00b.

#14, three days ago I was talking to a girl who was tending bar.

I happened to be on an island.

As it just so happens she was down in South America recently. Ecuador, if I remember correctly.

She studied anthropology in school and always told the family she'd go back to visit them.

Some five years later, she did. They didn't believe her until she showed up at their doorstep.

The patriarch of the family she was staying with had been having problems with a bleeding nose of late.

Naturally, the family grabbed a guinea pig, beat it against his chest until the guinea pig had transitioned, performed an autopsy on the guinea pig, and saw that it had a broken heart.

This, obviously, meant that his bloody noses were due to a heart affliction.

I didn't ask what the post-diagnostic steps were. I probably should have.

We did shake exchange names and shake hands, though.
@23: If you don't understand the difference between a donation and a charge, I can't help you. If you go to church every day for a year, no one will ever demand money from you. That's all I am saying.

I can't speak for all churches, but I have never witnessed a church that made one pay for a baptism sacrament. Most people offer a larger donation due to the time and effort spent, but I have never heard of this being required.

Furthermore, if you adopt or have a funeral anywhere you are going to pay heavily. Also, you don't "buy" the adoption or funeral arrangements from the church. What are you talking about?

A Collection of Wit & Wisdom From Troll 8bitnes
on occasion of author having too much time today
~~~~~…">I hope that dog eats your kid's face.…">Please cut yourself on all your edge and……">I'm straight you and all your edgy frien……">
#oppressedytgirl naked mole rat…">You are all squatters and have no right ……">lol you really hate being called out for……">naked mole rat…">a cancer on this city…">You are the cancer that is killing human……">I seriously hope you all get cancer.

In my defense, it parsed correctly in the Preview window. I’ll leave that abortion up as an effort-warning to others.

@ 31's "Can't she just cast a spell and make it all right?"

Apparently, she can. ;)

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