

Why would he not run for Bagshaw or Harell's seat? They are the real problem in terms of lifting people out of poverty in this city, why run against Kshama, who is a fighter for working people and helped build the movement to pass the $15 minimum wage and renter protection laws? If his loan programs are, as he says, to empower people, why run against someone empowering the working and oppressed in Seattle??


@1, you have to live in the district you run in. He must like living on Capitol Hill.

Still waiting for legit info for why this guy should be running our city.


@1 He most likely has an angel donor or two who are specifically backing him to target Sawant. Last time, they didn't expect her to be able to win in a district, instead of at large, now they are betting on a progressive from the non-profit sector who has been trained to look to the business community for donations, rather than an escapee from the corporate world who is willing to fight them for the working class.


@1 Sawant national op-ed telling people to vote against Clinton really helped the working class right?


Beto is a really good person. Wish he wasn’t running against Kshama Sawant. The two of them on the council together would be amazing.


Kshama ran four years ago on a platform of rent control. So far, she's been shut out. Time for a real district representative.


OMG he sounds like a Capitalist. I'm going to wrap myself in a Che Guevara wall hanging and wait for my movement to come.


Three things in my immediate view that would govern better than sawant- a chair, a bit of yogurt and a potted plant.


@5 2016 was a contest between two horrible choices. But if we couldn't have Bernie in 2016, I'll take the Blue Wave we saw in November over the mid-term blood-bath that Clinton would have given us. Unpopular Presidents doom their parties in the mid-terms, and we really needed the changes we saw in so many states. While I voted for Clinton then, I now recognize that the people who were saying Bernie supporters should never vote for Hillary were right after all.

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