Back to School Sep 27, 2017 at 4:00 am

A handy guide to all-ages venues.

Pete Gamlen


Lol, Black Lodge is all ages the same way your friend's house was all ages when their parents were out of town.
It only happens one day a month, but A/NT Gallery (Art/Not Terminal) located due west of the Seattle Center International Fountain (and a little east of KEXP) hosts a free, 3 hour long opening gala on the first Saturday evening of the month. It's a free, all-ages event, featuring 3 hours of live music (I've played 37 of their openers over the last 8-9 years), buffet food, wine/beer for adults, soft drinks, and a slew of NW artists who'd love to show you their work. Every time I play there, I walk right by Vera Project, on my way to A/NT. I look in the window of Vera and wish I knew a way to connect with them to do a show. I've been doing all-ages shows since 1963. -- Anyway, the A/NT openers are free, and lots of fun. And easy to find. -- Randy Bowles

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