"bUt ThE TeAcHeR's UnIoN cOnTrAcT cOsT tOo MuCh mOnEy AnD NoW wE hAvE tO cLoSe SchOols…"
or maybe we don't, who knows.
But yeah, these jokers with less training than it takes to become a barber are making 6 figures to buy a house on the Eastside while educators make half that at best with a master's degree.
A cop dealing with a crowd of angry protestors, a sleepy cop, and a cop with bad attitude. More blemished than bad.
@1: You misspelled "committing excessive force," "gross dereliction of duty," and "rank, juvenile unprofessionalism" there.
"bUt ThE TeAcHeR's UnIoN cOnTrAcT cOsT tOo MuCh mOnEy AnD NoW wE hAvE tO cLoSe SchOols…"
or maybe we don't, who knows.
But yeah, these jokers with less training than it takes to become a barber are making 6 figures to buy a house on the Eastside while educators make half that at best with a master's degree.